Bring Down
Come to my dream, my beautiful life
Nobody knows, nobody can stop
Come to my dream, my sweet agony
I feel like God, I feel so free
Join us on the rubbish of life
Like us you'll love t...
Come to my dream, my beautiful life
Nobody knows, nobody can stop
Come to my dream, my sweet agony
I feel like God, I feel so free
Join us on the rubbish of life
Like us you'll love t...
I went to your house, I walked up the stairs
I opened your door without ringing the bell
I walked down the hall into your room
Where I could smell you
And I shouldn't be here without per...
From our purest thought
Spurts his venom
If by charity you think to help them
You defy all the same
His currency's will
...Under the sign of the U.W.
I've crossed the threshold of li...
From the power, the power of your faith
Is born the life's fire
Still believe, in the spiritual union
Still believe in your power
And live, and die in peace!
Beyond the life, the life...
I've fled this promised freedom
Fled this justice's parody
Fled your unreal heaven
Fled your blindest beliefs
Here starts the true fight
Here starts my life through your death
The evil flower's born in my spirit
And from my mist up conscience
I won't listen to anythink more.
I walk in the night, desperate
Guiled by the death I'm spreading!
A life without su...
They know our destiny
They feel our suffering
They wish our salvation
...on the other side
We persuade ourselves
That it death comes to the end
But we know that's not true
We ca...
A new perception of the world
Appears in your mind
And you retrieve your instincts
On your decision
Open gates on a new truth
You understand
You're only temporary
In this matter...
I think of death as if it's near
Plan my future as if it's doesn't exist
I'd like to die without having lived
Disappear without regret nor joy
Death is perhaps a delivery
Nobody's nev...
Time's up, end of illusions
Lie, king, you're falling down
No violence, no pain
Only despair and troubles
Those who know, those who believe
Shall enjoy the new order
Keep the faith...
Do you remind another time
Another place, the meeting,
Volunteers you?
Do you remind me and us
Do you remind us and me
Remind shouts, remind fire
Remind suffering, remind light
Beyond this reality I live for eternity
Keep to silence by christianity
I'm awaiting true beliefs
Beyond this reality
Unreal hides in nothingness
All sensation has disappeared
I've seen the darkness
Beat down on the world
Demons awaken into the fallen souls
Love crushed by the peoples folly
Sometimes I become aware
And I remember, the cold light
My body ...
Time to live, time to hope
Time to forget, time to look back
Time to fall down, time to keep time
In my head, confusion
Present becomes past and the future now
How I influence the pas...
They are among us
Their justice is imminent
The messenger of the time
The messenger of the U.W.
Isolated by their hate
Sentenced to silence
They're just waiting for an order
We're betrayal we're torment and fear
We're destruction, we're conflict and pain
We're anxiety, we're suffering and death
No distinction, we only fight for victory
We are the knights of ...
Everytime in balance
Between light and darkness
As a tighthrope walker
With naked foot on a razor's edge
I've though to lose the faith
Am I alive, am I dead
Something turns in my b...
Some believe we're innocent
Brazen in front of Unknown
Others believe we're possessed
Dive into your dreams
Enter the ecstasy
Some believe we're dominated
Stupid and naive idealist...
I'd like to see tears on your face
I'd like to feed the hate in your look
I'd like to guess the death in your thoughts,
Don't let the hope's rays flash through your hate!
Children of rea...
Now, lost in the middle of nowhere
Forgotten by human conscience
Kingdom of unfailing sufferings
Unaware by all beliefs
Black sky...the eternal cycle
Soulless bodies...the eternal cyc...
Милица Богдановна Йовович в 1991 году. Юрий Хой на пикнике, 1998 г. Сказочный вид сверху. Иран, 1971 год. Члены группы «Битлз» стали первыми рок-музыкантами, чьи фигуры появились в экспозиции музея ма...
Президент США Билл Клинтон на Красной площади в Москве, 1994 год. Андрей Миронов, пробы на роль Шелленберга в сериале "Семнадцать мгновений весны". Mexaническая ползающая кукла, 1871 гoд....
Сабрина Чебичи Кенийская спортсменка, выигравшая марафон в 1973 году босиком и в платье. Супермодели Линда Евангелиста и Кристи Тарлингтон, 1980-е. Нирвана, февраль 1992 год....
Голди Хоун и Мэл Гибсон для фильма «Птичка на проводе». 1990 год. Очаровательная Грейс Келли на съёмках фильма «Ровно в полдень», 1952 год. Юрий Гагарин с женой Валентиной и дочерью Галиной, 1961 год...
Жан Рено, Натали Портман и Люк Бессон на премьере фильма «Леон», 1994 год. Грейс Келли, известная актриса и 10-я княгиня Монако, в образе стюардессы Американских авиалиний. США, 1947 год. Петербургски...
Известно, что к развитию карьеры многих российских актрис и певиц приложили руку их состоятельные отцы. В одних случая старания окупились с лихвой – девушки доказали, что средства родителей могут дать...