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You see it your way and I see ...

You see it your way and I see it mine, but we both see it slippin' away.

The Eagles 41 quotes

You can't hide your lying eyes...

You can't hide your lying eyes and your smile is a thin disguise.

The Eagles 41 quotes

You better let somebody love y...

You better let somebody love you before it's too late.

The Eagles 41 quotes

Why do we give up our hearts t...

Why do we give up our hearts to the past?

The Eagles 41 quotes

They will never forget you unt...

They will never forget you until somebody new comes along.

The Eagles 41 quotes

They threw outrageous parties,...

They threw outrageous parties, they paid heavenly bills.

The Eagles 41 quotes

They knew all the right people...

They knew all the right people, they took all the right pills.

The Eagles 41 quotes

They had one thing in common, ...

They had one thing in common, they were good in bed.

The Eagles 41 quotes

They call it paradise, I don't...

They call it paradise, I don't know why. To call someplace paradise, kiss it good-bye.

The Eagles 41 quotes

They pretended not to notice, ...

They pretended not to notice, they were caught up in the race.

The Eagles 41 quotes

There were lines on the mirror...

There were lines on the mirror, lines on her face.

The Eagles 41 quotes

There is no more new frontier,...

There is no more new frontier, we have got to make it here.

The Eagles 41 quotes

The towns lay out across the d...

The towns lay out across the dusty planes, like graveyards filled with tombstones, waiting for the names.

The Eagles 41 quotes

That same old crowd was like a...

That same old crowd was like a cold dark cloud that we could never rise above.

The Eagles 41 quotes

Some rich man came and raped t...

Some rich man came and raped the land, nobody caught him. Put up a bunch of ugly boxes, and Jesus, people bought them.

The Eagles 41 quotes

Some people never come clean, ...

Some people never come clean, I think you know what I mean. You're walking a wire between pain and desire, and looking for love in- between.

The Eagles 41 quotes

So put me on a highway, show m...

So put me on a highway, show me a sign, and take it to the limit one more time.

The Eagles 41 quotes

So often in time it happens, w...

So often in time it happens, we all live our life in chains, and we never even know we have the key.

The Eagles 41 quotes

Mirrors on the ceiling and pin...

Mirrors on the ceiling and pink champagne on ice, we are just prisoners here of own device.

The Eagles 41 quotes

James Dean, you bought it sigh...

James Dean, you bought it sight unseen. You were too young to live, too young to die, bye-bye.

The Eagles 41 quotes

6 российских актрис, променявших имена и фамилии на псевдонимы


Шесть актрис российского кино решили выступать под сценическими псевдонимами, заменив свои менее звучные настоящие имена и фамилии или взяв более эффектные фамилии родственников и супругов. В этом обз...

Идеи романтических подарков на День святого Валентина, вдохновленные кинофильмами


Признайтесь, вы тоже представляли себя на месте героев романтических фильмов? Что ж, пора прекратить мечтать и начать действовать. В преддверии Дня святого Валентина мы собрали семь кинематографически...

6 голливудских звезд, все еще способных на благородные поступки


В мире, где громкие благотворительные акции часто становятся частью имиджа знаменитостей, есть те, кто предпочитает творить добро в тишине. Но некоторые истории невозможно скрыть.

Безработный мужч...