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Today I think the pace of thin...

Today I think the pace of things is going so fast that young people today might be tempted to feel more cosmopolitan more belonging to a European context or a wider context to Malta.

George William Vella 10 quotes

I would go for a massive educa...

I would go for a massive educational campaign, provision of contraceptives, educating young people not to go beyond certain norms, because obviously you have to carry consequences.

George William Vella 10 quotes

What sense does it make to put...

What sense does it make to put something on the market, make it free, while knowing that within five, six, 10, years you're going to go on a campaign to try and dissuade people from using it?

George William Vella 10 quotes

We were at one time also going...

We were at one time also going through difficult times, not excuse the comparison, but not as bad. Honestly.

George William Vella 10 quotes

I do not agree that the party ...

I do not agree that the party in opposition is in a complete meltdown in the sense that it is going to disappear.

George William Vella 10 quotes

What we're doing is we're open...

What we're doing is we're opening up a website, we're inviting everybody: civil society, NGOs, individuals, political parties, academics, to put in their input.

George William Vella 10 quotes

I don't think there is this de...

I don't think there is this degree of impunity.

George William Vella 10 quotes

Malta's democracy ranks very w...

Malta's democracy ranks very well compared to many countries in the EU.

George William Vella 10 quotes

All my staff, except for two o...

All my staff, except for two or three exceptions are female, including the secretary to the presidency.

George William Vella 10 quotes

I don't want the image of the ...

I don't want the image of the presidency to be overshadowed with [charity] alone.

George William Vella 10 quotes

6 российских актрис, променявших имена и фамилии на псевдонимы


Шесть актрис российского кино решили выступать под сценическими псевдонимами, заменив свои менее звучные настоящие имена и фамилии или взяв более эффектные фамилии родственников и супругов. В этом обз...

Идеи романтических подарков на День святого Валентина, вдохновленные кинофильмами


Признайтесь, вы тоже представляли себя на месте героев романтических фильмов? Что ж, пора прекратить мечтать и начать действовать. В преддверии Дня святого Валентина мы собрали семь кинематографически...

6 голливудских звезд, все еще способных на благородные поступки


В мире, где громкие благотворительные акции часто становятся частью имиджа знаменитостей, есть те, кто предпочитает творить добро в тишине. Но некоторые истории невозможно скрыть.

Безработный мужч...