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Hener was the hero-king,

Hener was the hero-king,
Heaven-born, dear to us,
Showing his shield
A shelter for peace.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

A sense of justice is a noble ...

A sense of justice is a noble fancy.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

In Phebus realm, in knowledge ...

In Phebus realm, in knowledge as in verse,All things are clear, the sun of Phoebus clear,Clear was his crystal, the Kastalian.What you cannot clearly say, you don't know:To tongue of man his thought brings word:What's said obscurely is what's thought obscurely.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

A dead father's counsel, a wis...

A dead father's counsel, a wise son heedeth.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

A woman's honor rests on manly...

A woman's honor rests on manly love.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

We speak of profane arts; but ...

We speak of profane arts; but there are none properly such; every art is holy in itself; it is the son of Eternal Light.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

O, if so much beauty doth reve...

O, if so much beauty doth reveal
Itself in every vein of life and nature,
How beautiful must be the Source itself,
The Ever Bright One.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

Attach thyself to truth; defen...

Attach thyself to truth; defend justice; rejoice in the beautiful. That which comes to thee with time, time will take away; that which is eternal will remain in thy heart.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

A woman's honor rests on manly...

A woman's honor rests on manly love.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

A sense of justice is a noble ...

A sense of justice is a noble fancy.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

A dead father's counsel, a wis...

A dead father's counsel, a wise son heedeth.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

We speak of profane arts; but ...

We speak of profane arts; but there are none properly such; every art is holy in itself; it is the son of Eternal Light.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

Their future may, perchance, a...

Their future may, perchance, appear dark to others; but to their fearless gaze it looms up brilliant and beautiful as the walls of a fairy palace. There is no tear which a mother's gentle hand cannot wipe away, no wound that a mother's kiss cannot heal, no anguish which the sweet murmuring of her soft, low voice cannot soothe.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

Attach thyself to truth; defen...

Attach thyself to truth; defend justice; rejoice in the beautiful. That which comes to thee with time, time will take away; that which is eternal will remain in thy heart.

Esaias Tegner 14 quotes

Президент США Билл Клинтон на Красной площади в Москве, 1994 год и Пляжная шляпка.Багамы.1938 год


Президент США Билл Клинтон на Красной площади в Москве, 1994 год. Андрей Миронов, пробы на роль Шелленберга в сериале "Семнадцать мгновений весны". Mexaническая ползающая кукла, 1871 гoд....

Очаровательная Грейс Келли на съёмках фильма «Ровно в полдень», 1952 год и Клаудия Шиффер, 1999 год


Голди Хоун и Мэл Гибсон для фильма «Птичка на проводе». 1990 год. Очаровательная Грейс Келли на съёмках фильма «Ровно в полдень», 1952 год. Юрий Гагарин с женой Валентиной и дочерью Галиной, 1961 год...

Жан Рено, Натали Портман и Люк Бессон на премьере фильма «Леон», 1994 год и Милла Йовович, 2010-ые


Жан Рено, Натали Портман и Люк Бессон на премьере фильма «Леон», 1994 год. Грейс Келли, известная актриса и 10-я княгиня Монако, в образе стюардессы Американских авиалиний. США, 1947 год. Петербургски...

8 девушек, ставшие популярными благодаря деньгам родителей


Известно, что к развитию карьеры многих российских актрис и певиц приложили руку их состоятельные отцы. В одних случая старания окупились с лихвой – девушки доказали, что средства родителей могут дать...