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You know more than you think y...

You know more than you think you do.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

When women are encouraged to b...

When women are encouraged to be competitive, too many of them become disagreeable.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

What is the use of physicians ...

What is the use of physicians like myself trying to help parents to bring up children healthy and happy, to have them killed in such numbers for a cause that is ignoble?

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

What good mothers and fathers ...

What good mothers and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is usually best after all.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

Trust yourself, you know more ...

Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

To win in Vietnam, we will hav...

To win in Vietnam, we will have to exterminate a nation.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

There are only two things a ch...

There are only two things a child will share willingly; communicable diseases and its mother's age.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

The more people have studied d...

The more people have studied different methods of bringing up children the more they have come to the conclusion that what good mothers and fathers instinctively feel like doing for their babies is the best after all.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

The child supplies the power b...

The child supplies the power but the parents have to do the steering.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

Perhaps a child who is fussed ...

Perhaps a child who is fussed over gets a feeling of destiny; he thinks he is the world for something important, and it gives him drive and confidence.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

Most middle-class whites have ...

Most middle-class whites have no idea what it feels like to be subjected to police who are routinely suspicious, rude, belligerent, and brutal.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

In our country today, very few...

In our country today, very few children are raised to believe that their principal destiny is to serve their family, their country, or God.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

I'm not a pacifist. I was very...

I'm not a pacifist. I was very much for the war against Hitler and I also supported the intervention in Korea, but in this war we went in there to steal Vietnam.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

I would say that the surest me...

I would say that the surest measure of a man's or a woman's maturity is the harmony, style, joy, and dignity he creates in his marriage, and the pleasure and inspiration he provides for his spouse.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

I was proud of the youths who ...

I was proud of the youths who opposed the war in Vietnam because they were my babies.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

Happiness is mostly a by-produ...

Happiness is mostly a by-product of doing what makes us feel fulfilled.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

Every child senses, with all t...

Every child senses, with all the horse sense that's in him, that any parent is angry inside when children misbehave and they dread more the anger that is rarely or never expressed openly, wondering how awful it might be.

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

All the time a person is a chi...

All the time a person is a child he is both a child and learning to be a parent. After he becomes a parent he becomes

Benjamen Spock 18 quotes

Брюс Ли рядом с Шерон Тейт, 60-ые и Анна Николь Смит - американская модель и актриса, 1990-е


Брюс Ли рядом с Шерон Тейт, 60-ые. Моника Беллуччи на Каннском кинофестивале, 2003 год. Актрисы Анджелина Джоли и Пета Гиа Уилсон зажигают на афтепати CableACE Award, 1997 г. Сергей Мавроди, офис МММ,...

6 звезд российского шоу-бизнеса, ушедшие в тень из-за тяжелых заболеваний


Мир шоу-бизнеса жесток и быстро забывает своих героев. Многие знаменитости, блиставшие на пике славы, сталкиваются с тяжелыми испытаниями, включая серьезные заболевания. Некогда популярным исполнителя...

От Хилькевич до Арзамасовой: 6 звезд российского шоу-бизнеса, которые родили в 2024 году


В 2024 году некоторые представители российского бомонда испытали радость отцовства и материнства. Среди селебрити, чьи семьи увеличились, можно отметить звезд, которые уже являются многодетными родите...

9 знаменитостей, выступления которых нежелательны на территории России


Еще недавно эти артисты зарабатывали миллионы, выступая на концертах и корпоративах в России. Но всё поменялось в одночасье: за резкие высказывания на тему ситуации на Украине или же отсутствие четкой...

Французская актриса и писательница (а еще мама Евы Грин) Марлен Жобер, 1960-е. и Бетти Бросмер, 50-е годы


Aнжeлика Хьюстон (Mopтишa из «Семейки Аддамс») для жypнaла Elle, 1991 год. Французская актриса и писательница (а еще мама Евы Грин) Марлен Жобер, 1960-е. В 1988 году принц Чарльз начал учиться на вио...