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That sounds crazy. Bring us to...

That sounds crazy. Bring us to a whole another country, so that we can rob the dude who runs the country. I thought this is business. Sounds personal to me. -Roman Pearce

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

We don't pull this job, I am p...

We don't pull this job, I am probably dead anyway. Lets make it a million. -Han

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

The next two lights, hundred t...

The next two lights, hundred thousand. -Roman Pearce

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

Hi Rom what took you so long. ...

Hi Rom what took you so long. I thought for sure you would be showing up with some chrome spinners or something. --Brian O'Conner

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

Just don't cheat this time. -B...

Just don't cheat this time. -Brian O'Conner

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

I like that. Alright million d...

I like that. Alright million dollar quarter mile. -Brian O'Conner

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

No paper trail means no banks....

No paper trail means no banks. And no banks means cash houses. -Mia

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

You don't send a man to do a w...

You don't send a man to do a woman's job. -Gisell

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

This is a stealth mission. We ...

This is a stealth mission. We will be in and out before they even know we were in there. -Brian O'Conner

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

Did he smack that ass or grab ...

Did he smack that ass or grab that ass girl? -Tej

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

All these guys are are names o...

All these guys are are names on a list. They come up, we take em down. Not a phone call more, not a bullet less. -Hobbs

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

11 million? Sounds like a whol...

11 million? Sounds like a whole lotta vaginal activity to me. -Roman Pearce

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes


OWNED YOU!! OWNED YOU!! -Brian O'Conner

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

We just went from the middle o...

We just went from the middle of the 'most wanted' list to the very top. -Brian O'Conner

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

Chances are sooner or later, w...

Chances are sooner or later, we are gonna end up behind bars or buried in a ditch soon. But not today. -Dominic Toretto

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

This just went from Mission: I...

This just went from Mission: Impossible to Mission: In-freaking-sanity. -Roman Pearce

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

Home sweet home. -Dominic Tore...

Home sweet home. -Dominic Toretto

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

Alright, listen up. The men we...

Alright, listen up. The men we're after are professional runners. We find them; we take them as a team and we bring them back. And above all else, we never ever let them get into cars. -Hobbs

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

If you gonna survive, stop thi...

If you gonna survive, stop thinkin' like a cop. -Dominic Toretto

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

We're doin' last job and then ...

We're doin' last job and then we disappear.. forever. -Dominic Toretto

Across Five Aprils 75 quotes

6 абсурдных пиар-ходов отечественного шоу-бизнеса, которые сработали


Неординарная внешность этих людей стала мощным инструментом продвижения их творчества, а любая эксцентричная выходка – удачным пиар-ходом. Мы собрали самые необычные и неожиданные способы саморекламы ...

7 успешных охотников за сердцами знаменитостей


Звезды мирового масштаба, которые добились невероятных успехов и доказали свою силу в разных сферах, также, как и обычные люди, стремятся к настоящей любви. Она приносит не только счастье, но и порой ...

5 романтических комедий, похожих на «День сурка»


В США и Канаде 2 февраля традиционно отмечают День сурка — праздник, связанный с предсказанием погоды. Согласно легенде, если сурок видит свою тень и спешит обратно в нору, зима продлится еще шесть не...

Пако Рабан в Москве, Тейлор Свифт и другие


Пако Рабан и его модели на неделе высокой моды в Москве. 1994 год. Тейлор Свифт в 2003-2008 г. Американский рабочий делает запоминающийся снимок себя на фоне строящегося небоскреба в Нью-Йорке, 1960-е...

Ким и Кортни Кардашьян, Шакира и другие


Пышная сексуальная горячая певица и модель Ники Минаж, 2010-ые. Ким и Кортни Кардашьян для рекламной кампании коллекции SKIMS x Dolce & Gabbana 2024. Принцесса Диана в Большом театре. 1995 год...