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If you get bored of doing it (...

If you get bored of doing it (Peacock Pose) with two hands, try it with one.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

You have to find your own tric...

You have to find your own tricks!

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

Animals are our inferior broth...

Animals are our inferior brothers and sisters. They are not meant to be eaten, but must be treated with love.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

If you offer them some sugarca...

If you offer them some sugarcane, even elephants can do this, sometimes on the first try.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

Yogis love to be alone....

Yogis love to be alone.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

The Spiritual Sun already blaz...

The Spiritual Sun already blazes within.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

Don't worry. These poses have ...

Don't worry. These poses have nothing to do with meditation or enlightenment.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

People become depressed when t...

People become depressed when they neglect their spiritual practice.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

You have to get serious about ...

You have to get serious about your practice!

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

Sometimes you think you are 10...

Sometimes you think you are 100% right, but you are 100% wrong!

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

Let the skin be like water, le...

Let the skin be like water, let the flesh hang from the bones.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

I am only here to share my kno...

I am only here to share my knowledge with others and to help them make rapid progress on the path of yoga.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

When you are quiet, you see ev...

When you are quiet, you see everything with love.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

The highest state of meditatio...

The highest state of meditation is Samadhi, where there is no ego anymore, no doubts, no me, no you, no notion of time, no eating, no talking, no walking, no working and not doing anything at all, realizing that the Self is action-less.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

With constant practice, one ca...

With constant practice, one can improve his physical body and mental attitude rapidly, thereby igniting the higher motives of making one's self useful to himself and all mankind.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

Reduce your wants and lead a h...

Reduce your wants and lead a happy and contented life. Never hurt the feelings of others and be kind to all. Think of God as soon as you get up and when you go to bed.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

It is my greatest joy to share...

It is my greatest joy to share with students this knowledge that I have acquired in the past 50 years of practice and study. Dharma Yoga practice will give one's body the power and strength to have resistance to common illnesses and diseases. With proper encouragement and increased faith in the Guru, as one can improve his physical body and mental attitude rapidly, thereby igniting the higher motives of making one's self useful to himself and all mankind.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

The chakras are very intellige...

The chakras are very intelligent Ђ' they are like the software of the whole computer body.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

Everything is perfect and noth...

Everything is perfect and nothing is permanent.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

It's a mistake to expect benef...

It's a mistake to expect benefits from any pose. Expectations make you restless because if you fail to get what you expect, you feel miserable. Yoga practice is an act of adoration to the Lord. You do it because it has to be done. If you have this mental attitude, your selfishness disappears and the benefits come.

Dharma Mittra 41 quotes

История российских и советских номинаций на «Оскар»: от классики до наших дней


Список отечественных лауреатов и претендентов на американскую кинопремию.
Юра Борисов стал первым российским актёром, номинированным на премию «Оскар». В категории «Лучшая мужская роль второго плана»...

6 российских актрис, променявших имена и фамилии на псевдонимы


Шесть актрис российского кино решили выступать под сценическими псевдонимами, заменив свои менее звучные настоящие имена и фамилии или взяв более эффектные фамилии родственников и супругов. В этом обз...

Идеи романтических подарков на День святого Валентина, вдохновленные кинофильмами


Признайтесь, вы тоже представляли себя на месте героев романтических фильмов? Что ж, пора прекратить мечтать и начать действовать. В преддверии Дня святого Валентина мы собрали семь кинематографически...

6 голливудских звезд, все еще способных на благородные поступки


В мире, где громкие благотворительные акции часто становятся частью имиджа знаменитостей, есть те, кто предпочитает творить добро в тишине. Но некоторые истории невозможно скрыть.

Безработный мужч...